Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day Light Model

In our private vs public space we were really inspired by Le Corbusier and Alvar Alto's brilliant use of natural light in their buildings. Although the assignment was to create a "daylight box" we thought it would be more dynamic to use cuvilinear forms concave and convex. We wanted to see how this would diffuse the light as it flows through the small slits and hits the surfaces within the building. In addition the small vertical slits played an interesting role in our project. The light from the slits that were higher seemed to fade out (almost fuzzy edges) as they hit the ground and walkway surfaces. The light from the slits that were lower seemed to be more crisp and clear. Also my favorite part is as the sun is setting the effect that it has underneath the walkway/bench. It has a really interesting glow that is a neat way to have a natural "lighted path" giving the space directionality.

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